snakes Showing my Morelia Carinata, aka "rough scaled python" Here is a picture of mine : female, still young (3 years old). My young Morelia Carinata. Very proud of her :-)A very rare python First things first : this is yet another kind of python : a constrictor non-venomous snake. Pretty cute snake, I love it. This python is especially rare
networking An update on my home network stack It's been a long time since the very first post [] in this category, that introduced my network stack, I own and use at home. About two years have passed since, and my network has upgraded a little bit. I also moved [http://blog.
networking Fiber technologies for Home usages This blog post will detail differences between optical fiber technologies you may use at home. We'll also meet our pretty well known RJ45 copper wire. Once more, I will give my thoughts for my use cases. Should you remember that I recently turned part of my network to
snakes Eyes on my green tree Python (Morelia Viridis) Green tree Pythons are gorgeous animals. Look at that beauty ! Another kind of python ? This is a python yes. If you have read my snake intro article [], you may know that pythons are constrictors, non venomous snakes equipped with sensitive thermal sensors around their mouth.
snakes Introducing my ball python Here are some more informations about my ball python, Mojave morph. Ball Python ? Strange name isn't it ? Ball Pythons, because when they fear, they surround their head with their own body to hide and feel secure. So cute. They are also called Royal pythons. This ball python was
snakes A tour of my pet snakes with a quick how-to. Introduction There are many things to say about snakes, and keeping snakes as pet. This, is just an introduction tour of my situation, with some little basic informations of my own experience that will be enhanced/detailed a lot in future blog posts :-) Hello Hello from my Mojave Ball
networking Turning my SOHO ethernet network stack to 10Gbps. Introduction We are in 2020. Gigabit Ethernet [], 1Gbps, is 20 years old (2000). In France, you can apply Internet Services (ISP) up to 8Gbps. At the moment (begining of 2020) only one ISP in France allows you to get over >1Gbps, but
networking Dynamic routing of friends' networks at home using BGP privately : building Intranets. Intro Once you are connected to the Internet using your own router [] and bypassing your poor CPE [], and once you are eventually multihomed [], then you can start mounting VPN tunnels with friends' routers, and
me myself and I A new move in my career It all started in 1998 We are reaching 2020 ! haaaaaaa. I discovered PHP in 1997-1998 with PHP 3. I started it professionnaly in 2002 with PHP 4. During the 1996-2002 era, I was a student studying physics and micro-electronics (both analog and digital worlds). I started my computer-related studies by
networking Replacing the ISP CPE ("box") : the Orange ISP case study. Introduction This post is close to the "Introducing my home network stack" [] one, but it will push further the technical details on how to get rid of your provider Customer Premises Equipment [] (CPE), often called -
networking Live video streaming stack from Home Our subject This post relates my research about how to live stream some video playback to some public guests, all using a custom stack hosted at home. There exists tons of technologies about that point. We won't detail everything but once again, what I did with my constraints,
networking Home network stack : using VLANs Introduction VLANs [], also called 802.1q, is a feature acting in OSI Layer 2, that provides L2 multiplexing and networks isolation. It helps improving overall security and decreases network pressure by splitting the broadcast domains [] At
networking Using several Internet Providers : MultiHoming Starter When I presented my home personal network stack [] I talked about applying to several ISPs (Internet Service Provider). This blog post is about how to do that technicaly in the router, and talk about several possible routing scenarios. > We'll mainly talk
networking Introducing my home network stack This blog post will show you what I deployed at home, to get access to the Internet. Also, flows go in two directions as the blog you're reading is self-hosted at my home as well, on a full custom hardware I bought and linked myself to have my
php Threads and PHP Introduction PHP and threads. Just this 3-word sentence, and we could write a book. As usual, we won't, but give informations and details to some degree about the subject Let's start by some confusion many people fall in when it comes to such a subject. PHP
c On the C language, and performances Introduction I recently gave a training to my co-workers, about the C language. Wasn't really a training, but an introduction. With attendies really used to high level programing language, such as PHP, it was not very easy to teach some low level concepts, yet crucial to understand the
php PHP 7 magic function call trampoline Introduction This article will detail an optimization that's been added to PHP 7 virtual machine executor (Zend VM). We'll get back a minute into theorical concepts about function call trampolines, then we'll detail how those work into PHP 7. It is better - if
php PHP 7 Arrays : HashTables Introduction HashTables are used everywhere, in every C strong program. Basically, they allow the programmer to store values into an "array" by indexing this latter using strings, whereas the C language only allow integers as C-array keys. A hashtable structure is then built, the string key is hashed
php PHP 7 objects Introduction Here is my first 2016 post, and as well my first PHP 7 targeted post. I guess 2016 will be full of PHP 7 posts, and empty of PHP 5 posts. Clearly, today, PHP 7 is stable, production ready, released, a lot of extensions have been ported to it,
php Huge Page usage in PHP 7 Recall on memory paging Memory paging is a way Operating Systems manage userland process memory. Each process memory access is virtual, and the OS together with the hardware MMU must translate that address into a physical address used to access the data in main memory (RAM). Paging memory is dividing
php PHP strings management Introduction Strings management has always been a "problem" to consider when designing a C program. If you think about a tiny self-contained C program, just don't bother with strings, use libc functions, or if you need to support Unicode, use libraries such as ICU. You may
php PHP Closures History Back in 2009, when PHP 5.3 got released, a new feature (among many others) were introduced : anonymous functions (also called lambdas or closures). The feature was very expected, as closures have proved their utility through several other languages, particularly javascript that web developers master. But there has been
memory Segmentation Fault (Computer memory layout) That word : segmentation fault A quick word on what's this blog post is about. When I make mistakes in my code, it very often generates a "segmentation fault" message, often shorten as "segfault". And then, my collegues and managers come to me exclaming "
php Exceptional PHP (PHP 5) PHP Exceptions in short Back in 2004, PHP 5 came out with a new model object. This latter allows PHP users to make use of a well known OO paradigm : Exceptions. The Exceptions model has then not been really reworked. PHP 5.3 introduced stacked Exceptions, which is a very
php Zoom on PHP objects and classes (PHP 5) PHP objects introduction Everybody uses objects nowadays. Something that was not that easy to bet on when PHP 5 got released 10 years ago (2005). I still remember this day, I wasn't involved in internals code yet, so I didn't know much things about how all